RMS Responding Detector

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Recognized as the pioneer and leader in RF detectors, Analog Devices offers a broad portfolio of high performance logarithmic amplifiers and TruPwr™ rms responding detectors. ADI logarithmic amplifiers measure signals up to 100 dB dynamic range, from dc to microwave, and accuracies of ±0.2 dB, and are well-suited for both RSSI and transmit power level detection. The TruPwr rms detectors address the challenge of measuring complex waveforms found in spread spectrum CDMA/W-CDMA and higher order QAM modulation systems and provide an accurately scaled dc voltage, which is the rms equivalent of the input waveform.

Part#RF Primary FunctionFreq Response RF (min)Freq Response RF (max)Input Range (typ)Temp Drift (typ)Specs at Pin LevelSpecs at FreqVsupply Positive (min)Vsupply Positive (max)Isupply (typ)
AD8361 RMS Responding Detector - 2500 MHz 30 0.25 5 900 MHz 2.7 5.5 1.1 mA
AD8362 RMS Responding Detector 0 Hz 3800 MHz 65 1 0 900 MHz 4.5 5.5 20 mA
AD8363 RMS Responding Detector 0.05 MHz 6000 MHz 60 0.5 -10 900 MHz 4.5 5.5 60 mA
AD8364 RMS Responding Detector 0 Hz 2700 MHz 60 0.5 -10 900 MHz 4.5 5.5 70 mA
ADL5500 RMS Responding Detector 100 MHz 6000 MHz 30 0.25 2.5 900 MHz 2.7 5.5 1 mA
ADL5501 RMS Responding Detector 50 MHz 6000 MHz 30 0.1 5 900 MHz 2.7 5.5 1.1 mA
ADL5502Reference Circuit Available Envelope/Peak Detectors, RMS Responding Detector 450 MHz 6000 MHz 35 0.1 10 900 MHz 2.5 3.3 3 mA
ADL5504 RMS Responding Detector 450 MHz 6000 MHz 30 0.1 10 900 MHz 2.5 3.3 1.8 mA
ADL5505 RMS Responding Detector 450 MHz 6000 MHz 30 0.1 10 900 MHz 2.5 3.3 1.8 mA
ADL5511 Envelope/Peak Detectors, RMS Responding Detector 0 Hz 6000 MHz 47 0.1 10 900 MHz 4.75 5.25 21.5 mA
ADL5902Reference Circuit Available RMS Responding Detector 50 MHz 9000 MHz 65 0.5 -10 900 MHz 4.5 5.5 73 mA
ADL5903 RMS Responding Detector 200 MHz 6 GHz 35 0.2 -10 900 MHz 3 5.25 2.5 mA
ADL5904 Envelope/Peak Detectors, RMS Responding Detector 0 Hz 6000 MHz 45 0.2 10 900 MHz 3 5.25 3 mA
ADL5906 RMS Responding Detector 10 MHz 10 GHz 60 1 -10 900 MHz 4.75 5.25 70 mA
HMC1010 RMS Responding Detector 0 Hz 3900 MHz 60 0.5 0 900 MHz 4.5 5.5 48 mA
HMC1020 RMS Responding Detector 0 Hz 3900 MHz 72 0.75 -10 900 MHz 4.5 5.5 55 mA
HMC1021 Envelope/Peak Detectors, RMS Responding Detector 0 Hz 3900 MHz 70 0.5 -10 900 MHz 4.5 5.5 75 mA
HMC1030 Envelope/Peak Detectors, RMS Responding Detector 0 Hz 3900 MHz 70 0.5 -10 900 MHz 5 5 143 mA
HMC1120 Envelope/Peak Detectors, RMS Responding Detector 100 MHz 4000 MHz 72 0.5 - 1900 MHz 3.15 3.45 70 mA
HMC909 RMS Responding Detector 0 Hz 5800 MHz 40 0.5 -15 900 MHz 4.5 5.5 42 mA