Variable&Prog. Attenuators
Variable/step attenuators can be used to adjust the power signal level continuously or by step within certain frequency range, they can also be used to adjust the test system's power level as inset attenuators, it is small with high accuracy and high stability etc.
Programmable attenuators are generally used to control the power level of microwave signals with TTL\CMOS driver control manner and designed for use in automatic test equipment (ATE) systems operating in the dc to 18 GHz frequency range.
Новые продукты от VivaTech
VivaTech предлагает новые решения для применений в миллиметровом / THz диапазонах.
Новые продукты от A-Info
AINFO предлагает к поставке новый волноводный ответвлитель и логопериодические антенны с простой и двойной поляризацией