Right Angle

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HengDa Microwave manufactures Waveguide to Coaxial Adapters covering a full frequency range for Rectangular Waveguides, with multiple flange and coaxial connector types and configurations available. For more information feel free to call us and discuss your needs with one of our sales engineers.  
Waveguide to Coaxial Adapter - Right Angle

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 Waveguide to Coaxial Adapter - Right AngleProduct Range
  (GHz) Max (mm)        
HD-3WCANKPA 0.32-0.49 1.3 400*384*676 R3/WR2300 FDP/FDM Type N, SMA, TNC Al
HD-4WCANKPA 0.35-0.53 1.3 380*359*626 R4/WR2100 FDP/FDM Type N, SMA, TNC Al
HD-5WCANKPA 0.41-0.62 1.3 350*318*546 R5/WR1800 FDP/FDM Type N, SMA, TNC Al
HD-6WCANKPA 0.49-0.75 1.3 300*280*470 R6/WR1500 FDP/FDM Type N, SMA, TNC Al
HD-8WCANKPA 0.64-0.98 1.25 260*235*381 R8/WR1150 FDP/FDM Type N, SMA, TNC Al
HD-9WCANKPA 0.75-1.15 1.25 231*212*336 R9/WR975 FDP/FDM Type N, SMA, TNC Al
HD-12WCANKPA 0.96-1.46 1.25 187*185*166 R12/WR770 FDP/FDM Type N, SMA, TNC Al
HD-14WCANKPA 1.13-1.73 1.25 138*220*150 R14/WR650 FDP/FDM Type N, SMA, TNC Al/Cu
HD-18WCANKPA 1.45-2.20 1.25 120*185*120 R18/WR510 FDP/FDM Type N, SMA, TNC Al/Cu
HD-22WCANKPA 1.72-2.61 1.25 106*161*100 R22/WR430 FDP/FDM Type N, SMA, TNC Al/Cu
HD-26WCANKPA 2.17-3.30 1.25 95*138*85 R26/WR340 FDP/FDM Type N, SMA, TNC Al/Cu
HD-32WCANKPA 2.60-3.95 1.25 76*114*72 R32/WR284 FDP/FDM Type N, SMA, TNC Al/Cu
HD-40WCANKPA 3.22-4.90 1.25 70*98*65 R40/WR229 FDP/FDM Type N, SMA, TNC Al/Cu
HD-48WCANKPA 3.94-5.99 1.25 63*89*54 R48/WR187 FDP/FDM Type N, SMA, TNC Al/Cu
HD-58WCANKPA 4.64-7.05 1.25 62*81*50 R58/WR159 FDP/FDM Type N, SMA, TNC Al/Cu
HD-70WCANKPC 5.38-8.17 1.25 49*68*60 R70/WR137 FDP/FDM Type N, SMA, TNC Al/Cu
HD-84WCANKPC 6.57-9.99 1.25 48*48*40 R84/WR112 FBP/FBE/FBM Type N, SMA, TNC Al/Cu
HD-100WCASKPC 8.20-12.50 1.25 41*41*38 R100/WR90 FBP/FBE/FBM Type N, SMA, TNC Al/Cu
HD-120WCASKPC 9.84-15.0 1.25 38*38*30 R120/WR75 FBP/FBM/FBE Type N, SMA, TNC Al/Cu
HD-140WCASKPC 11.9-18.0 1.25 33*33*27 R140/WR62 FBP/FBM/FBE Type N, SMA, TNC Al/Cu
HD-180WCASKPC 14.5-22.0 1.25 30*30*27 R180/WR51 FBP/FBE/FBM SMA, K2.92mm, 2.4mm Al/Cu
HD-220WCASKPC 17.6-26.7 1.4 22*22*25 R220/WR42 FBP/FBE/FBM SMA, K2.92mm, 2.4mm Al/Cu
HD-260WCASKPC 21.7-33.0 1.5 21*21*27 R260/WR34 FBP/FBE/FBM SMA, K2.92mm, 2.4mm Al/Cu
HD-320WCA2.92KPC 26.3-40.0 1.25 19*19*25 R320/WR28 FBP/FBE/FBM SMA, K2.92mm, 2.4mm Al/Cu

* The Standard Model Numbers above are the most common parts ordered for size, material and flange. However, these models can easily be altered to accommodate your needs by using the Model # code system below for complete part number.
** Please refer to the Technical Reference section for flange types/connectors details. Please contact us for your specific requirements. 

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