X- Band Isolator - Fullband Series 172 XF
X- Band Isolator - Fullband Series 172 XF

Description | Features |
Mi-Waves’ 172 XF Full band Isolator is an H-plane, three port Y junction ferrite device with one arm terminated in a matched load. Reflected energy from the output port is circulated into this load to isolate the input. All external mating surfaces are machined to extreme flatness to provide connection to standard waveguide flanges for minimum discontinuity. Applications The 172 XF Full band Isolator are useful in test setup and operational systems. These devices provide a high degree of isolation between signal sources and system loads by sharply attenuating reflected signals with very low loss in the forward direction.
• Low Loss • Low VSWR • High Isolation • Broad Bandwidth • Compact and Rugged • Optimal Temperature Response Insertion loss typical .3db Isolation typical 15db (20 db center) |
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