FPA series driver amplifiers and power amplifiers are discrete and/or MMIC pHEMT device based amplifiers that operate over the frequency range 18 to 98 GHz for high output power applications. The amplifiers are offered in two categories, standard and custom built.
The custom built amplifiers are offered in various RF interfaces, including standard waveguide or coaxial connectors, for convenient system integration. The optional input and output integrated isolators are available to further improve the port return loss.
Name FPA-22-0001 FPA-15-0001 FPA-10-0004 FPA-10-0005 FPA-10-0006 Frequency Range 43-46 Ghz 55-65 GHz 88-96 GHz 88-96 GHz 75 - 110 GHz Gain 27dB 25 dB 13dB 25 dB 15dB VI 8 V/4
600mA8 V
200 mA15/400 15/1200 15/200 VSWR type 2.5:1 2.0:1 2.5:1 2.5:1 2.5:1 P1dB +30 +16 +27 +30 +20
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