Cavity Filters
Cavity Filters Cavity BPF Cavity Duplexer Cavity Multiplexer Cavity Notch Filter
Wevercomm offers a line of cavity filters.
All Cavity filters are custom designed item for specific industries.
Cavity Filters are known for low insertion loss and higher power handling ability.
Wevercommengineers researched and suppression of intermodulation products in low loss, high power cavity designs and through careful process control and components selection devised specialized design techniques to satisfy ouvr customers' unique requirements.
Cavity filters are combined with multi bands, for example 9 bands multiplexing.
Cavity Filters are known for low insertion loss and higher power handling ability.
Wevercommengineers researched and suppression of intermodulation products in low loss, high power cavity designs and through careful process control and components selection devised specialized design techniques to satisfy ouvr customers' unique requirements.
Cavity filters are combined with multi bands, for example 9 bands multiplexing.

- Custom designs and packaging- 300MHz to 15GHz frequency range
- Low PIM level
- Multiple bands combining
- For Repeaters and Base-station (LTE, CDMA, GSM, DCS, UMTS, i-Max)
- Military and Broadcasting System
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