Attenuators / Loads
Attenuator and Load are used to reduce and absorb the RF Power of a signal souce without reflecting or adding.
They are available for power ratings up to 2kW with attenuation value of various rating.
Attenuator and Load has low VSWR over the whole frequency range, and the compact design.
Wevercomm produces attenuators and loads(Termination) with customer's specifications.
They are available for power ratings up to 2kW with attenuation value of various rating.
Attenuator and Load has low VSWR over the whole frequency range, and the compact design.
Wevercomm produces attenuators and loads(Termination) with customer's specifications.

- Custome house designed- Bi-directional 10, 20, 30, 40dB Standard Values
- Robust and Conservative Power rating
- Low PIM Level
- SMA, N-type, DIN(7/16)
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