MT82 ( 30KHz~40GHz, EM-TX )
MT82 series microwave optical transmitter, adopts external modulation technique, are able to transmit 40GHz microwave RF signal with long distance, wide bandwidth, and flat responsibility. They provide an outstanding linearity fiber optical communication for analogue and digital wideband microwave application. Due to avoidance of using expensive coaxial cable or wave guide, there will be no limitation in transmission distance, which improves the signal quality and reliability of the microwave communication. They can be widely applied in microwave communication system such as remote wireless; timing and reference signal distribution, telemetry, measurement and delay line etc as well as 10Gb/s and 40Gb/s high speed communication system.
MT82 adopts low noise, narrow linewidth CW DFB laser as light source; LiNbO3 external modulator as signal modulation, no laser chirp, low dispersion distortion, high extinction ratio, Full-transparency operation mode. It can be applied in long distance and extra-long distance transmission after EDFA.
MT82 series With low noise microwave wideband amplifiers.
MT82 series operation wavelength optional:
C type: C-Band, 1528~1565nm.
L type: L-Band, 1570~1605nm.
T type: ITU-T standard wavelength is adjustable. T type is suitable for DWDM system.
MT82 series have four exterior structures available:
MX: module type, RS232 is an option, suitable for OEM, Exterior structure and size of the module as well as the PIN description can be specified by customers.
2D: desk top, with RS232 and LCD display, suitable for laboratory use.
1U, 3U: 19" casing, with RS232, SNMP, suitable for direct use in networks.

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