HDCM-F Dispersion Compensation Module
HDCM-F Dispersion Compensation Module
ITU G.652 standard single mode fiber (SMF-28). It has dispersion at 1550nm (C-Band). Dispersion typical data is 17ps/nm·Km. It limits 1550nm optical fiber system transmission distance and bandwidth. 2.5Gb/s optical fiber system, transmission distance>100Km,because of the dispersion influence, it will lead to the high error rate. CATV optical fiber system, transmission distance>100Km. It also lead to CSO deterioration, so that 550~862MHz can not realize digital CATV transmission.
There are many ways of Optical fiber dispersion compensation. It has already proved that it is the simple, economic, effective method if you adopt dispersion compensation module (DCM, DCF). It is not only can compensate standard single mode optical fiber extra dispersion effectively, but also can 100% compensate standard single mode chromatic dispersion gradient.
Huatai HDCM-FC dispersion compensation optical fiber module is based on negative dispersion compensation optical fiber technology. It can compensate standard single mode optical fiber of 1525~1565nm effectively 1525~1565nm to fit for its dispersion feature and slope characteristic.

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