USB осцилографы


Oscilloscopes, multimeters, spectrum analyzers, protocol analyzers and other high accuracy measurement products.

TiePie engineering offers a wide range of high quality data acquisition instruments that can be used simultaneously as oscilloscope, multimeter, spectrum analyzer, data logger and protocol analyzer. Measurements are performed with sample frequencies up to 1 GS/s at resolutions up to 16 bit. Oscilloscopes with single-ended as well as with high voltage differential inputs are available, with 1 to 4 input channels. When more channels are needed, instruments can be combined to be used as a synchronized combined instrument, with its channel count only limited by the number of available USB ports. Besides an oscilloscope, some models also contain an Arbitrary Waveform Generator.

Most TiePie oscilloscopes are equipped with a USB interface and can be operated without additional external power. Their small size makes these lightweight oscilloscopes ideal for portable use, while their exceptional performance rivals most desktop oscilloscopes.

All TiePie engineering oscilloscopes are listed below with their key specifications. Use the oscilloscope comparison page to compare and sort them based on more specifications.

ProductSample rateBandwidthChannelsMemoryResolutionAWGDescription
Handyscope HS5: 2 channel high precision USB oscilloscope with low distortion Arbitrary Waveform Generator 500 MS/s 250 MHz 2 64 MS 14 bit 30 MHz Fast high resolution USB oscilloscope: up to 500 MS/s measuring at 12 bit resolution and 14 bit up to 200 MS/s with a very large record of up to 64 MSamples. With exceptionally fast and precise arbitrary waveform generator.
Handyprobe HP3: 1 channel differential USB oscilloscope with high voltage input 100 MS/s 50 MHz 1 Differential 1 MS 10 bit - Double isolation and a 800 V high voltage differential input range make the small hand held Handyprobe HP3 an ideal USB oscilloscope for service engineers for measuring high voltages and communicating buses, such as CAN and J1939.
Handyscope HS4: 4 channel USB oscilloscope 50 MS/s 50 MHz 4 512 kS 12 bit - USB oscilloscope with 4 single-ended channels for synchronously measuring 4 signals, with 128 kS of memory per channel and a sample frequency up to 50 MS/s.
Handyscope HS4 DIFF: 4 channel USB oscilloscope with differential inputs 50 MS/s 50 MHz 4 Differential 512 kS 12 bit - USB oscilloscope with 4 differential channels. The independent channels allow for measuring different circuits simultaneously, with 128 kS of memory per channel, with a sample frequency up to 50 MS/s.
Handyscope HS3: 2 channel USB oscilloscope with Arbitrary Waveform Generator 100 MS/s 50 MHz 2 256 kS 12 bit 2 MHz Dual channel USB oscilloscope with up to 256 kS of memory per channel and sample frequency up to 100 MS/s. With integrated 2 MHz arbitrary function generator.
TE6100: 2 channel PXI oscilloscope 100 MS/s 50 MHz 2 128 kS 8 bit - Dual channel 8-bit PXI oscilloscope with 128 kS of memory per channel and sample frequency up to 50 MS/s.